Marketing Notes on the Top 7 Things I Learned From Dan Kennedy’s Renegade Millionaire Course?

This is a tough question.

Dan’s 12 CD program is a rapid-fire, non-stop barrage of fantastic idea after fantastic idea on how to create a thriving business that allows you to turn yours or other people’s expertise into money you can spend on shiny objects.

So after sifting through my notes, I’ve hunkered down and boiled down what I believe to be the top 7 things you could learn from Renegade Millionaire…

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1. Too often, people fall into the trap of doing what they want to do, regardless of whether or not there are hundreds of other competitors doing exactly the same thing.


Instead, the smart way to do it is to be able to carve out a unique positioning for yourself, and then build everything else around that. It's okay to be in a crowded market, so long as you have a place of your own in that crowded market. If you're just like all of your competitors, then you're screwed.

2. Dan contends that you very quickly want to get to a place in your business where you're looking for ways to be able to spend more to get a lead, not less.


The more you can spend to get a lead, the less you have to worry about competition. The key to making this work, of course, is to have fantastic back ends.

3. Look at your business processes and ask yourself “How many points of contact there are with your clients, patients, and prospects? How many opportunities are there to sell them?”

Are you taking advantage of each one? In other words, are you making the most

of each step in your business process. Also, of course, ask yourself if there's anything that you can add to your process to make your total value added even greater.

Example: Kennedy sells through teleseminars. In the past, he made his pitch at the end of the teleseminar. So with this method, he could only present to people who actually were on the call. What about the people who wanted to make it, but couldn’t?

He changed his model, and now he makes an offer once they register to attend the call, makes an offer in the email reminder for the teleseminars, makes an offer during the teleseminars, at the end of the teleseminars and in the postseminar follow ups.

Of 100% of people who registered to attend the call, 70% responded before they got on the call.

This is very important: The presentation, nor what he what he was selling didn’t change, and yet the response rate was 200% higher than it would’ve been otherwise.

So ask… “What happens if I change the steps, what happens if I mix it up, reverse the order, add in steps, etc.?” You don't change the thing, you don't change what you're giving them. What you change is the process of them getting it, and see what that does to your profitability.

4. A great way to turn an ordinary business into an extraordinary business is to get into the information marketing business.

This means that the first thing that you market is educational material. He talks about a plastic surgeon that stopped advertising his practice, and started advertising his information product. “Call in and get my book about plastic surgery”

There’s also a lawyer who markets so that people request his book on “Do You Really Need a Lawyer After An Accident? What you should know about accident law.”

Position yourself as the most knowledgeable person within your field and

this will drive business to you

5. The most commonly missed opportunity to expand or grow your business is to include a premium offer for the 20% of your clients who will accept and pay for the premium service just because it's offered to them.

6. Ask yourself if there are any underexploited assets in your business, or in a business that you're looking to acquire?


The dream acquisition candidate has good customers who are buying things from bad marketing. If they're already buying from this horrible marketing, you can buy the business and then double the profits on it by using great direct response marketing.

7. Food is a great thing to send your customers.

If you want to lower refunds, if you want to get higher satisfaction ratings, then you can't top food as a gift because people feel guilty after they eat your food.

As far as a retention gift, food, cookies, brownies, sweets like this can't be beat. Want to keep your patients or newsletter subscribers longer? Send them food the month before the average dropout point. Send them some fine chocolates, just to say thanks.

By doing this, you help this person create even more intense warm & fuzzy feelings about you which makes it easier for the person to decide that if they stick with you, they can anticipate more of these feelings.

So there you have it, my top 7 things you could learn from Dan Kenney’s Renegade Millionaire Course. What I’ve covered here is based on my notes for less than half of the course, which means that if you liked these ideas you should dust off your copy and go through it again or, if you don’t own it, go buy it from Dan-o himself. 

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